Grace Marriage

We're excited to partner with Grace Marriage in our mutual effort to see couples enrich, protect and grow their marriage.

Grace Marriage Experience

A quarterly pathway to keep couples connected
A healthy marriage is one of the best gifts you can give each other and your family. We’ve partnered with nationally renowned Grace Marriage to make it convenient and easier than ever for you to invest in your marriage. 
This workshop is designed to help you and your spouse slow down and truly connect in a meaningful way, all in a lively and supportive environment. We provide new and fresh content and activities each quarter, giving you something to look forward to. We make it easy for you to prioritize your on-going commitment to each other. 
Maintaining the spark in your marriage and avoiding issues before they start is the best approach to a solid foundation. Become part of a community with like minded couples who value each other and marriage. Join us!

Shift the Drift

Think of Grace Marriage as maintenance for your marriage. It is what healthy couples do to have a healthy marriage. When we get married, the two become one, but over time all couples drift. Grace Marriage helps you to “shift the drift.”

A Discipleship Pathway

Grace Marriage works best when you go “all-in.” If you go just once, you will enjoy a nice event, but you won’t get the true benefit of making Grace Marriage what you and your spouse do to “shift the drift.”

Monthly vs. Quarterly

Some campuses offer Grace Marriage once a quarter on a Saturday in a half day format. Others meet once a month on a weekday evening, but for a shorter time. Either way, the content is the same.

Invest in Your Marriage

  • Monthly or Quarterly Grace Marriage Events
  • Childcare included
  • Located on different dates at multiple campuses
  • Content emailed to your inbox if you miss an event
  • You can invite “first timers” to attend one time for free
  • Cost is $35 per quarter or $12.97 per month
  • Different content at each event
Grace Marriage couple

Life’s Too Short to Settle for an Average Marriage!

Connect daily, date weekly, and get away regularly to keep your marriage thriving. This special subscription package supports you and provides easy wins all through the year. Join today!
Member Subscription includes tools & events for your marriage to grow:
  • Half-Day Get Away hosted by Northview Church, quarterly
  • Participant Books, quarterly
  • GraceMarriage@Home Access:
    • Member-Only Site
    • Engaging Monthly Videos to inspire thought & conversations
    • Downloads & Resources to support and engage
    • Bi-weekly Digital Content to encourage
    • Member-Only Communities to connect with like-minded people

 Only $12.97 per month

***Bookmark this link,, so you can frequently visit to see new ways to invest in your marriage. There will be creative date nights and events that you will not want to miss!

Select a Location

Experience Gallery

Icon - Prioritize Your Marriage

Prioritize Your Marriage

You’re doing life with the one you love, and you’re so lucky to have found each other. Put your marriage front and center, and let those amazing vows you shared really ring true.
Icon - Connect On A New Level

Connect on a New Level

Uncover a deeper connection with your spouse during this fun, fast-paced event. Afterall, a healthy marriage is the best gift you can give yourself, your spouse, and your kids.

A Little Time, A Big Impact

You’ll be amazed at what just a few hours can do. We’re confident you’ll leave the getaway feeling energized, inspired, and closer to your spouse than before you came.
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